Friday, November 7, 2008

Hustlin' the kiddies

so seems like the new kick it spot every night till about 3am is kims house. haha. sorry kimbabe. well anyways, ive been goin back to the bowling alley the past couple days. i ended up squeezing in a couple games and i actually reached my old bowling average today. i started again and i was like damn i lost my touch but i walked away with 160 today which made me happy. another thing ive been doing at the alley is taking the little .25 cent knick knacks from the vending machine. i went up one day and noticed it was turned backwards and when i turned it back to normal, one fell out. so i kept turning it and more and more fell out. hahaha. oops. well so i took a shit load and told my lil brother to sell em to the little girls... and guess what?? DOLLA DOLLA BILL YALL! hahaha. gotta hustle some how. i ended up getting more tonight and i have 10 bucks worth to sell (sorry vending company).

In another note, my ass is goin to the Zoo tomorrow for Shanbeezy's bday tomorrow. im kinna excited but then i was told dinner waqs gunna cost 34 bucks a person.. can you say "one meal for the price of 3?!" hella fuckin expensive.. sorry hunnay, i aint that ballin'. well then after that im gunna go disco disco!! hahaha. i hate the place but shit... cant say no to some music and my feet a movin. i hella miss dancing all the time... fuck, i miss bein a kid. i hate responsibility and what not... but i know i gots to grow up so i attempt to attempt to do it.

aight well with that, i just gotta ask if all this photography stuff necessarily has to come with all the drama and anxiety?? i wanna keep going with it and i wanna make money but damn... too much judging and whatever. dont get me wrong, i love taking pictures, but it takes so much to make an amazing picture. what happened to "i like your pic" even tho it was taken with a point and shoot. now that i have a DSLR, it aint shit compared to everyone elses. -_- blah that shit. i do what i do and i love it.

kk well imma end it at this and ask you, is this shit crackin or not?? im kinna losing all hope in E-40. if people gotta ask if it slaps, then he's losin his touch.. am i right? or am i right? i kinna like it, bu tits gotta grow in me i guess.

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