Monday, November 17, 2008

been meaning to...

update this mug. i just always end up starting it and getting tired. dont get me wrong, im so tired right now, i had another sleepless night last night. dont ask me why, i just cant sleep. i actually slept for about 2 hours last night but i was having bad ass dreams and i woke up at 4am and couldn't go back to sleep. oh well..

so ill just talk about whatever comes into mind since im just sitting in class not doing anything. hmmm.. aight so i haven't written in about... iono.. a while but the one thing i remember wanting to talk about is.... hahaha. ummmm. shoes. not any type of shoes but girls shoes. ok so if anybody know, im a sucker for heals. to be more precise, stiletto heals. mmmmmm :] hahaha. i cant help but to love a girl in some stiletto heals. well lately ive been noticing a different attraction and its boots. im really getting use to girls wearing boots and sometimes i think it really sets off an outfit. not like ugs or whatever (those muffukas are still fugly) im talking about the skinny puss and boots type of deal. haha. so yea, i like em right..?? can it get any better?? oh yes it can. :] so take my 2 types of shoes for girls, stilettos and boots and bring em together, and what do you get????

MUTHA FUCKIN ANKLE BOOTS. hahahhah. no joke.. i think ankle boots are thee single most appealing thing a girl can wear that would set off an already good fit. it just gives the feel of boots yet shows the legs and the heals are a major plus. i dont know why this subject has been stuck in my mind since we went clubbing but ive seen girls this past weekend with some on and gahhhdamn... pheww... hahaha.

alright well i would type about my weekend but there was wayyyyyyy too much to write. lets just say it was eventful :] haha. im lookin forward to this weekend since my baby Cafferine Booty is comin into town. lol. lets make it worth Blogging about. OUT.

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