Monday, November 3, 2008

gloomy ass day

so last night i ended up sleeping at 6 in the morning and fucked up pretty bad. apparently i had a test in environmental science and i missed it. i was hella tired so i ended up sleeping till 230. -_- the weather didnt help me at all cuz i didnt see the sun all damn day. so i ended up staying in bed for a while after i woke up until my friend hit me up and told me to come over. i went over and we watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall. After watching that movie for the 10th time, i still find small random shit that i didnt spot before that makes me laugh. well im pretty hungry and i missed out on the FREE chipotle about a week ago and it sounds pretty bomb right now. Im in sweats and a sweater and were gunna go to the mall pretty soon so straight up bummin it today. This is a perfect example of why i hate winter and rain. i havent seen this kind of weather in a year and its taking a big toll on me right now.

Another thing thats running through my mind right now is where i would be right now if it was last year. today is the one year anniversary of me moving to Arizona. Exactly a year ago, i drove to Maricopa, Arizona to start a new life (that didnt last long). im not gunna lie, my house was hella nice but it was in the BOONIES. You basically had to drive 30 minutes to get to the main highway. well so much has happened in this last year and made a difference in my life but ill never forget my time in that hell hole called Maricopa. ahhah. im not gunna talk shit about all of AZ cuz some parts are actually coo like Phoenix. Well my mom told me my uncle is plannin to move there cuz my bootsy aunt took his daughters away from him to live with some dude in Scottsdale, AZ... sooo... im prolly gon go visit him for sure if he goes.

aight so imma go off and eat at Chipotle. get on this tomorrow i guess. kpeaslate.

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