Wednesday, August 6, 2008

a semi success

so today was kinda ehh and more ehh. so i woke up around 1030 and sat around till it was time to go to class. i got to mission early and got a sweet ass parking spot right in front so i parked all racer status and shit and got to class early. once i got there i realized i didnt transfer my homework from my laptop to my usb so i had to walk back to my car to get my laptop and transfer the file. luckily i did the homework (oh and everyone was hella jockin when we critiqued it) haha. during the time the class was looking at that assignment, i did the homework i didnt do and turned it in. hahah. pimpin. so that class went hella good. after that i ended up goin to dandys and we went to the mall. i had me some Swagat and it was hella bombskis. we hella thought pineapple express was gunna have a midnight showing but it didnt. so then i got dandy to buy Soul Calibur IV and we played it until we ended up going to Iguana's to have some burritos. the games legit but it brought back my sweaty hands. i use to have this problem when i was a kid and now its back. it went away for a long while but when i play intense games like that, my hands get nasty.... and its staying that way. i hate it. hopefully it goes away soon. well yea i dont know what else to write about and this thing is useless anyways so yea. end of blog for now. peas nukka.

oh and fuck my life. i miss....

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