Monday, August 11, 2008

On that Nikon Bizz

so i dont even remember when i last updated this mug but i think i can recap the last couple days with my amazing memory. kk... so the farthest is goes is i think friday night... or wait.. thursday night... yeaa.... it was thursday night. so thursday night i end up goin to francis' house to drink up instead of goin to D&B's. we drink a couple beers and jim bean. we are kinda buzzed but were out of drink already so we end up going to Safeway to buy another handle. i hella had to go to the bathroom and there were 2 guys in the stalls so i went to the girls bathroom and abused it. hahah. so we walked out with a bottle of capt. mor. and we killed that shit quick. haha. francis, nguyen and i ended up walking to dennys at like 2 in the morn and met up with my bestea kimbabe. hahah nguyen was hella drunk and ended up yackin all over himself. i did the drunk thing and ordered "potachos" hahah. if you dont know what it is, its basically potato chips covered in shit ud put on nachos. lol. anyways, that night francis' sister saw that i had my Nikon and she offered me some shoot time with models and stuff to build up my portfolio so imma do that shit. hopefully i get into the whole club scene thing and them mos def models. lol.

well that story brings me up to today (the rest of the weekend consisted of a warehouse, alcohol, vomit, and rearranging my room). so today im gunna go ahead and buy my flash and diffuser for my camera. have a set-up so i dont look so amateur when it comes to taking pics. haha. if anyone can help me with gettin this shit together, id highly appreciate it.

i also currently have 23 hats. i need more. lol

hi bestea :)
today was fun and super duper HOTT.
lets go get mani&pedi's. mk bye <3

^kim... hahahaha.^

aight then. till next time. keep up. "thug life." :P

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