Monday, August 4, 2008

The beginningningning

this is the start of something great, something beautiful, something amazing.

sike. hahaha. i dont know why im doing this. prolly because i have nothing better to do and sometime i do have a lot on my mind so i tend to bottle things up since i don't necessarily know who to talk to. so from now on i might just blabber about random ass shit on here or do the traditional "i did this shit and that shit today" kind of blog. the last kind of blog i did was xanga and that was HELLA HELLA days ago. so if i sound like i dont know what im talking about, cut me a little slack and if my f.o.b. side starts showing in my typing, fuck you. haahha. jkjk.

well yea so imma start this thing of with a blog about something thats been on my mind for the past couple of days and im not gunna get too deep into the subject because i wanna figure it out a little better. but have you ever had someone in your dream that you didnt know but they keep appearing on your mind night after night?? its been 3 nights in a row for me and i have no idea who she is. hmm well if anyone knows an explanation for whats going on, lemme know plzkthx.

so yea school during the week and work during the weekend and any other time in between, chill time. hit me up. kkkkkkk??? enjoi dee blogs and this pic. late.

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