Friday, May 15, 2009

Another day.

yo yo yo. holla at ya homeboy. lol. aight so today is what.. May 15th? yea yea, well that means next week is my birthday! yay right? haha. well yea actually for some reason, i dont get excited for my birthday. i know people usually do but my birthday s never go the way i want and so i'm let down every single year. i haven't had a successful or enjoyable birthday since 7th grade. thats been half my life already and i've learned to just let it pass by. its just another day. age is just a number and it just means were all getting older and closer to dieing. i'm not tryin to sound all emo but im just really discouraged from even trying to make it a big deal. maybe some time in the future, i'm proved wrong but for now, this is how it is. other than that, its my neighbor, Amenda's birthday so happy birthday to her. :]

so summers coming up. i've got class and i gotta work my ass off to get money. hopefully i can go somewhere this summer too. make it worth it. keyword: hopefully.
ok, have a good weekend and fuck finals. -_- Godspeed.

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