So since spring classes started, i've been doing absolutely nothing but school 4 days a week, work 3-4 days a week and my photography thing on the side. i want to excel in all 3 of those things but i feel like i'm stuck in a rut in my life. ok school i know i need to finish, which i believe i'm actually progressing in, and work actually FINALLY made me a gotdamn server. i've been working for the chili's company for almost 18 months and i was suppose to be hired as a server from the get go but they had me go through host and to go and then finally server. when i moved back to Cali from Arizona, my manager said he would make me a server in a month or two. me being gullible and all, i said.. umm ok sure. this was in june of last year. they barely got me training in the beginning of april. yea i was mad that it took that damn long but at least i make a little more money now.
other than that, theres school of course, but... i dont want to bore you with that junk. photography on the other hand, i need to get together. i remember writing about the opportunity to shoot clubs/events/models/yada yada and its all great except i feel like my photos arent good enough. i want a better camera so i can produce better picture and the better pictures, the more clientele i can attract and the more money i'd make. i just need to make enough money to trade in my camera and buy a new one and i know things will start rolling in for me. i honestly love taking pictures and its a part of me now... its just an expensive hobby.
well yea... anyways on a lighter note, guess whats coming up?!?! my bday kneegah. yea thats right.. i'm really looking forward to doing it big kinda. haha. i have some decisions to make about what i'mma do cuz i mean i know what i wanna do but i have lovely and her homegirl coming up for that weekend so i gotta make it tourist friendly, if u catch my drift. ahahah. hmmm well i just hope all ends well and we successfully get fucked up.
aight then i think thats all i can come up with to babel about cuz i'm running on 2 1/2 hours of sleep and its 2:15am already. fuuuuuuuuckk. school at 920 and work at 4. excited.... not. plzkthx and have a good night.

P.S. good job rockets. Brooks, you're a little beast. keep killin them lakers.
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