yo yo yo. holla at ya homeboy. lol. aight so today is what.. May 15th? yea yea, well that means next week is my birthday! yay right? haha. well yea actually for some reason, i dont get excited for my birthday. i know people usually do but my birthday s never go the way i want and so i'm let down every single year. i haven't had a successful or enjoyable birthday since 7th grade. thats been half my life already and i've learned to just let it pass by. its just another day. age is just a number and it just means were all getting older and closer to dieing. i'm not tryin to sound all emo but im just really discouraged from even trying to make it a big deal. maybe some time in the future, i'm proved wrong but for now, this is how it is. other than that, its my neighbor, Amenda's birthday so happy birthday to her. :]
so summers coming up. i've got class and i gotta work my ass off to get money. hopefully i can go somewhere this summer too. make it worth it. keyword: hopefully.
ok, have a good weekend and fuck finals. -_- Godspeed.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
what a bad ass day. i dunno what i did, and yea karma is a bitch, but whatever it was i did, my bad. today wasnt good at all and i hope tomorrow is better. so to recap on today's bullshit: wake up late, go through some bullshit i dont wanna talk about, never make it to class, find out i have a D, fall back asleep, wake up to find out i have 20 minutes to take a shower, shave, get ready, and drive to work before 4, get to work, slow as hell, make jack shit, eat q-pop chicken for dinner, get home, got to finish a paper, find a topic for my persuasive speech, get into an argument with my best friend, i gotta finish my paper, and now i'm on here writing a blog. yup. ok, really, its a lot longer than that and trust me, its bad but yea. haha. whatever. tomorrow i really gotta work on my astronomy presentation and hopefully that helps me out with my grades. i got a lot on my plate for the next couple weeks and i really dont want to slack off. lets just pray yea? aight well i've wasted enough time on this thing writing this small ass blog just to let you know today was whack. gotta get back to work. gnight.

P.S. i love you bestea.i really do. and thank you for putting up with my bullshit.
love, Miguel Antonio Nuestro

P.S. i love you bestea.i really do. and thank you for putting up with my bullshit.
love, Miguel Antonio Nuestro
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
cant sleep for $#!%
what up what up?! how long has it been?? hahah. ok in all honestly its been almost 6 months and i have only one person to blame. i could say i've been busy and that i never have time to come on and write a sentence or two but in all reality, i've just been lazy. hahah. ok, not entirely true cuz i have been busy with school and work and life and facebook. since the last time i wrote on here, a lot has happened and a lot hasn't. we gotta start somewhere so..... lets start here.
So since spring classes started, i've been doing absolutely nothing but school 4 days a week, work 3-4 days a week and my photography thing on the side. i want to excel in all 3 of those things but i feel like i'm stuck in a rut in my life. ok school i know i need to finish, which i believe i'm actually progressing in, and work actually FINALLY made me a gotdamn server. i've been working for the chili's company for almost 18 months and i was suppose to be hired as a server from the get go but they had me go through host and to go and then finally server. when i moved back to Cali from Arizona, my manager said he would make me a server in a month or two. me being gullible and all, i said.. umm ok sure. this was in june of last year. they barely got me training in the beginning of april. yea i was mad that it took that damn long but at least i make a little more money now.
other than that, theres school of course, but... i dont want to bore you with that junk. photography on the other hand, i need to get together. i remember writing about the opportunity to shoot clubs/events/models/yada yada and its all great except i feel like my photos arent good enough. i want a better camera so i can produce better picture and the better pictures, the more clientele i can attract and the more money i'd make. i just need to make enough money to trade in my camera and buy a new one and i know things will start rolling in for me. i honestly love taking pictures and its a part of me now... its just an expensive hobby.
well yea... anyways on a lighter note, guess whats coming up?!?! my bday kneegah. yea thats right.. i'm really looking forward to doing it big kinda. haha. i have some decisions to make about what i'mma do cuz i mean i know what i wanna do but i have lovely and her homegirl coming up for that weekend so i gotta make it tourist friendly, if u catch my drift. ahahah. hmmm well i just hope all ends well and we successfully get fucked up.
aight then i think thats all i can come up with to babel about cuz i'm running on 2 1/2 hours of sleep and its 2:15am already. fuuuuuuuuckk. school at 920 and work at 4. excited.... not. plzkthx and have a good night.

P.S. good job rockets. Brooks, you're a little beast. keep killin them lakers.
So since spring classes started, i've been doing absolutely nothing but school 4 days a week, work 3-4 days a week and my photography thing on the side. i want to excel in all 3 of those things but i feel like i'm stuck in a rut in my life. ok school i know i need to finish, which i believe i'm actually progressing in, and work actually FINALLY made me a gotdamn server. i've been working for the chili's company for almost 18 months and i was suppose to be hired as a server from the get go but they had me go through host and to go and then finally server. when i moved back to Cali from Arizona, my manager said he would make me a server in a month or two. me being gullible and all, i said.. umm ok sure. this was in june of last year. they barely got me training in the beginning of april. yea i was mad that it took that damn long but at least i make a little more money now.
other than that, theres school of course, but... i dont want to bore you with that junk. photography on the other hand, i need to get together. i remember writing about the opportunity to shoot clubs/events/models/yada yada and its all great except i feel like my photos arent good enough. i want a better camera so i can produce better picture and the better pictures, the more clientele i can attract and the more money i'd make. i just need to make enough money to trade in my camera and buy a new one and i know things will start rolling in for me. i honestly love taking pictures and its a part of me now... its just an expensive hobby.
well yea... anyways on a lighter note, guess whats coming up?!?! my bday kneegah. yea thats right.. i'm really looking forward to doing it big kinda. haha. i have some decisions to make about what i'mma do cuz i mean i know what i wanna do but i have lovely and her homegirl coming up for that weekend so i gotta make it tourist friendly, if u catch my drift. ahahah. hmmm well i just hope all ends well and we successfully get fucked up.
aight then i think thats all i can come up with to babel about cuz i'm running on 2 1/2 hours of sleep and its 2:15am already. fuuuuuuuuckk. school at 920 and work at 4. excited.... not. plzkthx and have a good night.

P.S. good job rockets. Brooks, you're a little beast. keep killin them lakers.
Monday, November 17, 2008
been meaning to...
update this mug. i just always end up starting it and getting tired. dont get me wrong, im so tired right now, i had another sleepless night last night. dont ask me why, i just cant sleep. i actually slept for about 2 hours last night but i was having bad ass dreams and i woke up at 4am and couldn't go back to sleep. oh well..
so ill just talk about whatever comes into mind since im just sitting in class not doing anything. hmmm.. aight so i haven't written in about... iono.. a while but the one thing i remember wanting to talk about is.... hahaha. ummmm. shoes. not any type of shoes but girls shoes. ok so if anybody know, im a sucker for heals. to be more precise, stiletto heals. mmmmmm :] hahaha. i cant help but to love a girl in some stiletto heals. well lately ive been noticing a different attraction and its boots. im really getting use to girls wearing boots and sometimes i think it really sets off an outfit. not like ugs or whatever (those muffukas are still fugly) im talking about the skinny puss and boots type of deal. haha. so yea, i like em right..?? can it get any better?? oh yes it can. :] so take my 2 types of shoes for girls, stilettos and boots and bring em together, and what do you get????
MUTHA FUCKIN ANKLE BOOTS. hahahhah. no joke.. i think ankle boots are thee single most appealing thing a girl can wear that would set off an already good fit. it just gives the feel of boots yet shows the legs and the heals are a major plus. i dont know why this subject has been stuck in my mind since we went clubbing but ive seen girls this past weekend with some on and gahhhdamn... pheww... hahaha.
alright well i would type about my weekend but there was wayyyyyyy too much to write. lets just say it was eventful :] haha. im lookin forward to this weekend since my baby Cafferine Booty is comin into town. lol. lets make it worth Blogging about. OUT.
so ill just talk about whatever comes into mind since im just sitting in class not doing anything. hmmm.. aight so i haven't written in about... iono.. a while but the one thing i remember wanting to talk about is.... hahaha. ummmm. shoes. not any type of shoes but girls shoes. ok so if anybody know, im a sucker for heals. to be more precise, stiletto heals. mmmmmm :] hahaha. i cant help but to love a girl in some stiletto heals. well lately ive been noticing a different attraction and its boots. im really getting use to girls wearing boots and sometimes i think it really sets off an outfit. not like ugs or whatever (those muffukas are still fugly) im talking about the skinny puss and boots type of deal. haha. so yea, i like em right..?? can it get any better?? oh yes it can. :] so take my 2 types of shoes for girls, stilettos and boots and bring em together, and what do you get????
MUTHA FUCKIN ANKLE BOOTS. hahahhah. no joke.. i think ankle boots are thee single most appealing thing a girl can wear that would set off an already good fit. it just gives the feel of boots yet shows the legs and the heals are a major plus. i dont know why this subject has been stuck in my mind since we went clubbing but ive seen girls this past weekend with some on and gahhhdamn... pheww... hahaha.
alright well i would type about my weekend but there was wayyyyyyy too much to write. lets just say it was eventful :] haha. im lookin forward to this weekend since my baby Cafferine Booty is comin into town. lol. lets make it worth Blogging about. OUT.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Hustlin' the kiddies
so seems like the new kick it spot every night till about 3am is kims house. haha. sorry kimbabe. well anyways, ive been goin back to the bowling alley the past couple days. i ended up squeezing in a couple games and i actually reached my old bowling average today. i started again and i was like damn i lost my touch but i walked away with 160 today which made me happy. another thing ive been doing at the alley is taking the little .25 cent knick knacks from the vending machine. i went up one day and noticed it was turned backwards and when i turned it back to normal, one fell out. so i kept turning it and more and more fell out. hahaha. oops. well so i took a shit load and told my lil brother to sell em to the little girls... and guess what?? DOLLA DOLLA BILL YALL! hahaha. gotta hustle some how. i ended up getting more tonight and i have 10 bucks worth to sell (sorry vending company).
In another note, my ass is goin to the Zoo tomorrow for Shanbeezy's bday tomorrow. im kinna excited but then i was told dinner waqs gunna cost 34 bucks a person.. can you say "one meal for the price of 3?!" hella fuckin expensive.. sorry hunnay, i aint that ballin'. well then after that im gunna go disco disco!! hahaha. i hate the place but shit... cant say no to some music and my feet a movin. i hella miss dancing all the time... fuck, i miss bein a kid. i hate responsibility and what not... but i know i gots to grow up so i attempt to attempt to do it.
aight well with that, i just gotta ask if all this photography stuff necessarily has to come with all the drama and anxiety?? i wanna keep going with it and i wanna make money but damn... too much judging and whatever. dont get me wrong, i love taking pictures, but it takes so much to make an amazing picture. what happened to "i like your pic" even tho it was taken with a point and shoot. now that i have a DSLR, it aint shit compared to everyone elses. -_- blah that shit. i do what i do and i love it.
kk well imma end it at this and ask you, is this shit crackin or not?? im kinna losing all hope in E-40. if people gotta ask if it slaps, then he's losin his touch.. am i right? or am i right? i kinna like it, bu tits gotta grow in me i guess.
In another note, my ass is goin to the Zoo tomorrow for Shanbeezy's bday tomorrow. im kinna excited but then i was told dinner waqs gunna cost 34 bucks a person.. can you say "one meal for the price of 3?!" hella fuckin expensive.. sorry hunnay, i aint that ballin'. well then after that im gunna go disco disco!! hahaha. i hate the place but shit... cant say no to some music and my feet a movin. i hella miss dancing all the time... fuck, i miss bein a kid. i hate responsibility and what not... but i know i gots to grow up so i attempt to attempt to do it.
aight well with that, i just gotta ask if all this photography stuff necessarily has to come with all the drama and anxiety?? i wanna keep going with it and i wanna make money but damn... too much judging and whatever. dont get me wrong, i love taking pictures, but it takes so much to make an amazing picture. what happened to "i like your pic" even tho it was taken with a point and shoot. now that i have a DSLR, it aint shit compared to everyone elses. -_- blah that shit. i do what i do and i love it.
kk well imma end it at this and ask you, is this shit crackin or not?? im kinna losing all hope in E-40. if people gotta ask if it slaps, then he's losin his touch.. am i right? or am i right? i kinna like it, bu tits gotta grow in me i guess.
Monday, November 3, 2008
gloomy ass day
so last night i ended up sleeping at 6 in the morning and fucked up pretty bad. apparently i had a test in environmental science and i missed it. i was hella tired so i ended up sleeping till 230. -_- the weather didnt help me at all cuz i didnt see the sun all damn day. so i ended up staying in bed for a while after i woke up until my friend hit me up and told me to come over. i went over and we watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall. After watching that movie for the 10th time, i still find small random shit that i didnt spot before that makes me laugh. well im pretty hungry and i missed out on the FREE chipotle about a week ago and it sounds pretty bomb right now. Im in sweats and a sweater and were gunna go to the mall pretty soon so straight up bummin it today. This is a perfect example of why i hate winter and rain. i havent seen this kind of weather in a year and its taking a big toll on me right now.
Another thing thats running through my mind right now is where i would be right now if it was last year. today is the one year anniversary of me moving to Arizona. Exactly a year ago, i drove to Maricopa, Arizona to start a new life (that didnt last long). im not gunna lie, my house was hella nice but it was in the BOONIES. You basically had to drive 30 minutes to get to the main highway. well so much has happened in this last year and made a difference in my life but ill never forget my time in that hell hole called Maricopa. ahhah. im not gunna talk shit about all of AZ cuz some parts are actually coo like Phoenix. Well my mom told me my uncle is plannin to move there cuz my bootsy aunt took his daughters away from him to live with some dude in Scottsdale, AZ... sooo... im prolly gon go visit him for sure if he goes.
aight so imma go off and eat at Chipotle. get on this tomorrow i guess. kpeaslate.
Another thing thats running through my mind right now is where i would be right now if it was last year. today is the one year anniversary of me moving to Arizona. Exactly a year ago, i drove to Maricopa, Arizona to start a new life (that didnt last long). im not gunna lie, my house was hella nice but it was in the BOONIES. You basically had to drive 30 minutes to get to the main highway. well so much has happened in this last year and made a difference in my life but ill never forget my time in that hell hole called Maricopa. ahhah. im not gunna talk shit about all of AZ cuz some parts are actually coo like Phoenix. Well my mom told me my uncle is plannin to move there cuz my bootsy aunt took his daughters away from him to live with some dude in Scottsdale, AZ... sooo... im prolly gon go visit him for sure if he goes.
aight so imma go off and eat at Chipotle. get on this tomorrow i guess. kpeaslate.
update this mug
aight so i went from wanting to do this on a daily basis to not touching it for 2 months. hahaha. well a lot has happened since i last wrote on this muffuka. and shit i started writing this entry around 230 and i bounced out and i just got back and now its 415 in the morning so i have no energy to write but ill do it tomorrow. hopefully. haha. aight then. gnight world. keep me safe.
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